Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Esri Dev Meet Up

Forest Frizzell
City and County of Honolulu
Karen Volarich
David Takeyama
John Higuchi
BEI Consultants
Tom Moen
Trans Meridian IT
Kyle Shimbukuro
City and County of Honolulu

Conference-Related Workshop
Tuesday March 6, 2012 - 5:00 to 8:30 pm

This is a social gathering for developers to discuss geospatial technologies, complementary third-party tools, and development platforms (e.g., Silverlight, Java, Flex, JavaScript) that are supported by Esri. Presentations run the gamut of our community: from Web development to mobile location development for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7 to automating tasks with Python.

Forest Frizzell, Deputy CIO for the City and County of Honolulu, will provide a keynote followed by lightning talks by Karen Volarich (ArdentMC), David Takeyama (Oceanit), John Higuchi (BEI Consulting), Tom Moen (Trans Meridian IT) and Kyle Shimabukuro (City and County of Honolulu DIT).

This is a conference-related event that HIGICC is helping to publicize. The event is free, but separate registration is required.

Click here for more information