Steve Snow
Esri, Redlands, CA
Craig Clouet
Esri, Honolulu, HI
Conference-Related Workshop
Friday March 9, 2012 - 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
This full-day workshop will cover managing and using lidar point cloud data with ArcGIS 10.1. By attending this workshop GIS users will learn how to manage lidar data, use ArcGIS for 2D/3D visualization and analysis, as well as share lidar data through webservices.
This hands-on workshop presents lidar data management strategies in ArcGIS. Topics include when to use LAS Datasets, terrain Datasets, and Mosaic Datasets. New tools and functionality in the latest version of AcrGIS 10.1; and techniques for making lidar data more accessible using the desktop and web cloud services.
Attendees should have a basic knowledge of ArcGIS desktop.
This is a conference-related event that HIGICC is helping to publicize. The event is free, but separate registration is required.
To register, or for more information, please email Connie Clinton at