James Van Dyk
Latitude Geographics Group Inc., Victoria, BC, Canada
Internet GIS
Monday March 5, 2012 - 1:30 to 2:45 pm
Many organizations today build mapping applications using ArcGIS Server and technologies like Flex, HTML/Javascript, and Silverlight. Historically these mapping applications only needed to be viewed on a traditional desktop, but increasingly there is demand to view them on mobile phones and tablets, using iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. With varying levels of support across these platforms for each client technology, what is the best way for GIS administrators to build applications that can be viewed cross-platform by the greatest number of people? What happens when HTML5 gains greater acceptance in the coming months?
With growing sets of mobile users, administrators are forced to balance browser compatibility issues with limited resources to build and maintain platform-specific applications coming from multiple software vendors. This presentation will introduce the concept of a Spatial Application Infrastructure (SAI), a more efficient way to build and maintain cross-platform mapping applications. This session will also explore the benefits of using an SAI, and include a live demonstration of building these types of applications using ArcGIS Server and Geocortex software.